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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

postheadericon It is Christmas time...

I have so much to post!  Lot's to catch up on of our last few weeks.   There will be lot's of pictures on my next few blog posts (just to warn ya!)  But I love keeping all these memories for my kids, and me!!

Before Christmas, we went to visit with Cole's parents.  We had a wonderful, relaxing time.  The excitement was uncontrollable at times!  Harper was thrilled with getting presents.  Seeing the joy on her face was priceless...

We were also able to see our sweet nephew, Thomas - not to mention Cole's brother, Parker and my sweet sister-in-law, Rebecca!  Little Thomas has gotten so big and is such a happy baby!  The kid's just love him.  His spikey hair reminds me of Case when he was a baby - love it!!!

Here is Big Pop with half of his grandkids!

These two little girls LOVED their Bitty Baby Twins that they got from Grahm and Big Pop.  Harper actually squealed when she opened her present and saw these babies.  They rolled them around the entire time - they are going to be such good mommies! 

And here is the comedian....

I realized that there were no pictures of me and Cole - this is the only one we took of ourselves!  We have to get better at including ourselves in pictures - especially with our kiddo's!

