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In June of 2011 we saw a picture that was posted on a private yahoo group of a little girl who had been through treatment for Leukemia. We could not get this little girl off of our minds. We were not thinking about adopting again but there was something about HER. This probably has something to do with the wonderful and amazing time that Cole and I got to spend heading up Camp Debbie Lou - if you don't know about our family camp you can check it out at www.campdebbielou.com - God was doing more then allowing us the amazing privilege of meeting some wonderful families & kiddo's fighting cancer - He was also preparing us for our Harper.

This is the first picture we saw of our baby girl...
*She is in the back in the pink sweatshirt

In November we called our agency and asked how to proceed to adopt a little girl that we had only seen a picture of - we only knew her as "Harper" - we also knew that she was in Shanghai. Her paperwork had not been put together.

Time to step out in faith...
11/04/11 Application Submitted to start the process to adopt

11/15/11 Accepted into China Program

12/02/11 Received HomeStudy Packet
**Started Paperwork!!**

12/06/11 Found out Harper's chinese name
Wu Yun Jue

12/27/11 Found out her B-day 4/24/07
(one week & one year after her big sis's)

01/02/12 Mailed Homestudy paperwork to Social Worker

01/2012 Social Worker visit's

02/06/12 WC application Submitted

02/13/12 Approved WC program

02/16/12 Home Study Approved by Agency

02/21/12 Received HS / Mailed I-800A

03/16/12 Fingerprint Appointments

03/26/12 I-800A Approval date

04/20/12 DTC (Dossier sent to China)

05/04/12 LID (Log-In Date)

**Find out that Harper's paperwork has been completed and will be on the next
shared list of referrals***

05/28/12 Received Referral of Wu Yun Jue (our Harper)

05/31/12 EA Submitted (Electronic Acceptance)

06/14/12 PA Received (Pre-Approval)

07/20/12 RA / LOA Received (Referral Acceptance or Letter of Acceptance)

07/27/12 Mailed I-800 to USCIS

08/20/12 Received Notice of Provisional Approval

08/27/12 Received NVC Notification of cable letter


**Travel Dates:  10/11/12 - 10/25/12**

We will be holding Harper on October 15, 2012
