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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

postheadericon Funny!

We were lucky enough to be able to celebrate my sweet niece, Hannah, on her birthday this past weekend and there was such a funny moment that I just had to remember....

Look at the victim, oops, I mean customer, that my girls found to doll up in the hair salon...

My poor little nephew!!!

He was obviously a good sport...

 Time to dry your nails...

Elon:  "Wait a minute, I'm not done yet!" 
Her gentle nudge to bring him back to her attention by literally, turning his head!

I do not think this was his first time in the salon chair! Lol!!!
He is surrounded by three older sister's everyday!

Now he has had enough!  
I think he was saying "Help Me!"
or maybe he just wanted his juice cup!  Too funny!!

Happy Birthday sweet Hannah!!!

Your cousins (and Aunt) love you so much!!!!


snekcip said...

Oh how funny!! These are priceless! These are the pics you pull out when they are teenagers!! LOVE IT!!!!

PS I need to show this to Paris..our SCHNAUZER!! Poor dog is a VICTIM to my girl's salon on the daily!! I literally had to untangle some "bristled rollers' from her fur!! She has had the "glitter nail polish" applied and everything! Our girl received the same "nail dryer" set for Christmas that Elon has! SHE LOVES IT!! It tickles me to listen to her "talk to her client "aka/our schnauzer" as she BEAUTIFIES her!!

It goes like this "Girl, come on and sit down. I got this "new color" for your nails that you are gonna LOVE!! It goes "GREAT WITH YOUR FUR"!!

SIDENOTE: She usually lures her in with a snack. However, Our schnauzer has gotten smart, she accepts the snack and as my daughter attention is diverted she takes off
and runs under the bed!!!

She runs and looks under the bed and exclaims "Paris!! Girl you have messed your nails up!! That is gonna cost you MORE money now! Somehow...I think the dog could care less!!
