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Monday, August 19, 2013

postheadericon Summer Fun...Part #1

We started our summer with a visit to my parents house.  Always a fun trip!  I LOVE my kid's getting to experience some of the same things I experienced when I was younger.   As a child our family lived on a boat (not literally)!  

The kid's jumped off the boat continuously!  My daddy even joined them a couple times (that is him in the hat) - He is the biggest kid of them all!

Elon was not afraid of anything...ready to go and hanging with the big kids!

This was Harper's first boating experience and she loved it....as you can tell!  Her only hiccup was when she got her face wet (big brother did not catch her too well when she jumped in) - it took her at least 30 minutes to recover, at that moment I think she decided that she will never trust Camden ever again :)  But she survived!

I then went to Camp Debbie Lou to volunteer....such a happy place!

This place holds such a special place in my heart...for many reasons:  the families, and children we have met through camp have blessed us in so many ways.  Camp Debbie Lou is a camp for children with cancer and their families to come for a relaxing and fun long weekend away from the yuck they are experiencing back home.  Cole and I had the privilege to be Directors for several years when camp first started up (and before Elon came home).  It is also a stepping stone in which God was leading us and preparing us for our sweet Harper.  We would have never thought to adopt a child who had been through treatment for cancer had it not been for Camp Debbie Lou and the remarkable children we had met through the years...yet God knew what He was doing.  

It was great to be back with some of my favorite peeps!  And to be a big ol' kid....

The horse back riding crew....

I am so thankful to be a part of this place...and so thankful for where it led us!


likeschocolate said...

You can tell that everyone had a blast from the photos and I love that your father got in the action. Yahoo! Summer is the best! I love that you are involved in that camp. I can't imagine anything better than that!

snekcip said...

Love the pictures of the kids and your dad jumping!! Priceless!! Oh myyyy lest I forget....that BEAUTIFUL RAINBOW over Camp Debby Lou!! Breathtaking!! Don't you just love how God "lines things up"
