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Monday, March 25, 2013

postheadericon Re-united

Today Harper was re-united with one of her friends from China.
She was so excited all day, carrying around pictures that we had of the two of them together.  I am not sure she remembered him at first but she sure was excited.  John Wesley has been home for just over a year now, so it has been awhile since they had seen each other.

Here is the cutest picture of them together before they came home...
(this really has to be one of my favorite pictures!)

I was so excited and anxious to see how they would re-act...
would they remember each other?

Well, it did not seem to matter...they were fast friends.  Poor John Wesley was followed around by Elon and Harper the whole time!  I asked Harper is she remembered John or if it had been too long, she said "Yes, I member", then Elon said, "I don't remember him at all" - too funny!  She shouldn't remember him, they were most likely not together in Shanghai.

But, these Shanghai sweeties were just too cute together!

New friends really are the best...

This visit was even a little more special because we were able to meet Mrs. Sharon, John Wesley's mom.  Sharon is the one who first "introduced" us to our sweet Harper.  While Sharon was waiting to bring home her precious little John Wesley she had seen a picture of Harper and inquired about her.
When she shared that Harper had been through treatment for Leukemia it really stirred our hearts.  She asked other Shanghai moms to pray for her.  Which I began doing.  Little did I know that God was gently revealing to Cole and I that this was OUR daughter.

God used Sharon to lead us to Harper.

We love Sharon for that!

Not to mention, she got to name our daughter!  Yep, that is right...Harper was what Sharon decided to call her when she first shared about her.  After Cole and I had called her Harper for so long, it just stuck and we love her name (and so does Harper)!


Unknown said...

You made me cry. :) Happy tears.

Hugs to all of you!!

jennifer said...

Love this! I love the adoption community! It is amazing!! So exciting that you got to connect :)
