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Monday, January 7, 2013

postheadericon Florida bound!!

Our Christmas would not have been complete without seeing this part of our family :)
Look at all those kiddo's  - Love it!!!!

We were able to visit with Jason and Sunday - and our three precious niece's!!!
(Cole's brother and his wife) 
Oh how we miss them!!  Cole started with painting toe nails...

Jason started with some wrestling...

Then everyone joined in...

If you can't tell by now, this was not a "quiet and relaxing" visit!!  It was LOUD and FUN!!!!
Loved every minute...

Harper did too :)

And so did Elon!!!

But Case didn't - just kidding, I just liked this picture of him - had to include it :)

Where Sunday and her girls usually find sea shells, Elon and Ella found mud!!! 

I love spending time with Sunday!  How blessed I am to have received a best friend in my sister-in-law when I married my sweet husband.

If you look in the distance, in the water between our heads, you can see a pirate ship!!  We took the kid's on this ship.  It was so much fun, and the kid's had a blast :)

And here it is... The Pirate Ship! 

These three did not think it would be that much fun...

These three were SOOOOO excited...

Little Wryn was just along for the ride :)

Two of my handsome men!

The grown ups joined in...

And there were water gun fights...

Face painting....

Sweet Anna!

oh my goodness, this is hilarious to me!!!


And the cha cha slide - Harper's favorite!!!

Then back to their house for the kid's to attempt swimming in a freezing pool!  
How come Florida is cold when we come to visit???

Harper did not even get in and she was shivering.
This little peanut needs to put some meat on her bones!!!

And then presents! 

What a day :)  But this is not all - there is even more!

