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Friday, November 23, 2012

postheadericon Thankful

I just love Thanksgiving!  I have so much to be thankful for...

Here are four of them....

Really??!!  How did we get so lucky?? 

We had a great time putting up our Christmas tree.  We usually put our tree up after Thanksgiving but since we were having family at our house this year, it went up early.  Harper jumped right in and could not wait to put ornaments on the tree.  Of course, the majority of the ornaments hung about 36" from the floor!  Glad to have a couple taller children now who can help spread them out.  

It was a great Thanksgiving and it had a lot to do with having our family, that moved to Florida over a year ago, stay with us several days.  We miss them so much, so it was wonderful to have them in our home, no rushing around, just much needed time.  And they were able to meet Harper!  
To no surprise, she loved them!

Elon and Ella have always been two pea's in a pod - now we have three pea's in a pod!!!

Ella made Harper a scrapbook with all of their pictures in it so Harper could always see them and remember her cousins and Aunt & Uncle who love her so much!  I know Ella spent a lot of time on this book.  It was so sweet, which is just like Ella!

Now for Thanksgiving day - it was delightful and amazingly easy!  I loved how it went from filling our tummy's, to birthday party for Ella, to a reunion!

Grahm with just a couple of her girls!


 Case loves his sisters!  I love how Harper reached up to hold his hand :)

 Now for the birthday girl...

And then the small reunion with a few of Cole's cousins.  It was so good to see them :)

I realize how old I am getting when I see these beautiful young ladies!  Hayden (holding Harper) was one of our flower girls in our wedding over 14 years ago!  Catherine (holding Elon) was just a toddler and Lizzy (in the middle) was not even born!  Wow, where does the time go???

There is nothing like family :)

Thankful, thankful, thankful for the one I was blessed with - ALL of them - even the one's I did not get to see today!


Jeannie said...

Hi Dawn,
I just recently discovered your blog and have enjoyed seeing the pics of your beautiful family.
My son and DIL adopted from China in 2007...we're crazy about our granddaughter, and I'm totally addicted to many adoption blogs.
I was actually celebrating Thanksgiving this year in your neighborhood....well, sorta. LOL My daughter lives in Statesville.
God bless you all, and I pray Harper continues her remarkable adjustment to her new home and family!!

Fannie said...

Harper looks to be adjusting so well! We are considering a little girl that would be five, so we've been watching your blog to see how it goes. I'm amazed that she underwent cancer treatment so young, was in an orphanage, and seems to be trusting of your family so quickly. That's what scares my hubby! Please keep up the updates, we are loving them!! :)
:) Fannie in NYC

likeschocolate said...

So glad you had a fantastic Thanksgiving! What a great looking bunch of kids you have there. So sweet!

Lisa said...

Dawn, this is Lisa from the Shanghai Yahoo Board -- just looking at Harper brings happy tears to my eyes. She was in our thoughts SO much during our wait for John Lai (b 6/2007 adopted in April 2012), and to see her with you all is so wonderful. She is so happy! Best wishes to you all... Lisa
